- This resource manages the apartment system for players. It uses qb-interior to spawn shells at a specific set of coordinates and functions the same as housing except by default the apartments do not cost any money
Apartments = {}
Apartments.Starting = true/false -- Enable or disable starting apartments
Apartments.SpawnOffset = 30 -- How far under the map the apartment shell will spawn
Apartments.Locations = { -- Create new apartment locations
["apartment1"] = {
name = "apartment1", -- The apartment name that saves in the database
label = "South Rockford Drive", -- The label of the apartment (shown in preview)
coords = { -- The apartment entrance location
enter = vector4(-667.02, -1105.24, 14.63, 242.32),
polyzoneBoxData = { -- The polyzone box information for the entrance
heading = 245,
minZ = 13.5,
maxZ = 16.0,
debug = false,
length = 1,
width = 3,
distance = 2.0,
created = false