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๐Ÿ’Š qb-drugs


  • Create dealers that players can interact with and purchase items or accept delivery jobs to earn rewards. Also included is โ€œcorner-sellingโ€ which allows players to sell drugs to NPCโ€™s for configured prices



Config = {}
Config.Dealers = {} -- auto-populates on resource start
Config.MinimumDrugSalePolice = 2 -- minimum police allowed to corner sell


Config.Products = { -- products availabe to buy from a dealer
    [1] = {
        name = "weed_white-widow", -- item name
        price = 15, -- how much it costs
        amount = 150, -- amount available in stock
        info = {}, -- item info (none)
        type = "item", -- item type
        slot = 1, -- inventory slot item will show in
        minrep = 0, -- how much rep needed to buy this item

Corner selling item list

Config.CornerSellingDrugsList = { -- items available to be corner sold

Corner selling pricing

Config.DrugsPrice = {
    ["weed_white-widow"] = { -- item name (reference above)
        min = 15, -- minimum price could sell for
        max = 24, -- maximum price could sell for

Delivery locations

Config.DeliveryLocations = { -- List of deliveries players can get from dealers
    [1] = {
        ["label"] = "Stripclub", -- delivery location name
        ["coords"] = vector3(106.24, -1280.32, 29.24), -- delivery location coords

Delivery rewards

Config.DeliveryItems = { -- reward items for deliveries (reference above)
    [1] = {
        ["item"] = "weed_brick", -- item name
        ["minrep"] = 0, -- minimum rep needed to get this item


  • /newdealer - Create a new dealer at your coordinates
  • /deletedealer - Delete a dealer from the database
  • /dealers - Get a list of current dealers
  • /dealergoto - Teleport to a dealer