- Handles the storing of vehicles for public and house garages. Supports land, air and sea vehicles as well as jobs and gangs. Also includes an impound system!

AutoRespawn = false --True == auto respawn cars that are outside into your garage on script restart, false == does not put them into your garage and players have to go to the impound
SharedGarages = false --True == Gang and job garages are shared, false == Gang and Job garages are personal
VisuallyDamageCars = true --True == Visually damage cars that go out of the garage depending of body damage, false == Do not visually damage cars (damage is still applied to car values)
Garages = {
["motelgarage"] = { -- Name of the garage
label = "Motel Parking", -- Label of the garage
takeVehicle = vector3(273.43, -343.99, 44.91), -- vehicle withdraw point
spawnPoint = vector4(270.94, -342.96, 43.97, 161.5), -- vehicle spawn point
putVehicle = vector3(276.69, -339.85, 44.91), -- vehicle store point
showBlip = true, -- enable/disable the blip on the map
blipName = "Public Parking", -- name of blip
blipNumber = 357, --
type = 'public', -- public, job, gang, depot
vehicle = 'car' -- car, air, sea