- Allows your players to create a character by entering their name, date of birth, etc.

Config = {}
-- Define if the player can delete their characters or not
Config.EnableDeleteButton = true
-- Interior to load where characters are previewed
Config.Interior = vector3(-814.89, 181.95, 76.85)
-- Default spawn coords if you have start apartments disa
Config.DefaultSpawn = vector3(-1035.71, -2731.87, 12.86)
-- Create preview ped at these coordinates
Config.PedCoords = vector4(-813.97, 176.22, 76.74, -7.5)
-- Hides your actual ped while you are in selection
Config.HiddenCoords = vector4(-812.23, 182.54, 76.74, 156.5)
-- Camera coordinates for character preview screen
Config.CamCoords = vector4(-813.46, 178.95, 76.85, 174.5)
Apartments integration
Config.StartingApartment = true -- enable/disable starting apartments
-- Default spawn coords if you have the above false
Config.DefaultSpawn = vector3(-1035.71, -2731.87, 12.86)
Character slots
-- Define maximum amount of default characters
Config.DefaultNumberOfCharacters = 5
-- Define maximum amount of player characters by identifier
Config.PlayersNumberOfCharacters = {
license = "license:xxxxxxxxx", -- players rockstar license
numberOfChars = 2 -- number of slots