- Simple scoreboard resource that shows the total players online and the availability of robberies according to the configuration of total police needed

Config = {}
Config.OpenKey = 'HOME' -- open scoreboard key
Config.ShowIDforALL = false -- enable any player to see player id's above head
Config.Toggle = true -- enable/disable toggle mode (hold key or press to show)
Config.MaxPlayers = GetConvarInt('sv_maxclients', 48) -- max server players
Config.IllegalActions = {
["storerobbery"] = { -- index is the robbery name
minimumPolice = 2, -- minimum police needed for the indexed robbery
busy = false, -- dynamically changes, don't edit
label = "Store Robbery", -- label shown on the scoreboard UI
["bankrobbery"] = {
minimumPolice = 3,
busy = false,
label = "Bank Robbery"
["jewellery"] = {
minimumPolice = 3,
busy = false,
label = "Jewellery"
["pacific"] = {
minimumPolice = 5,
busy = false,
label = "Pacific Bank"
["paleto"] = {
minimumPolice = 4,
busy = false,
label = "Paleto Bay Bank"