- Configure multiple spawn locations for players to choose from and auto populates their houses that they own

QB.Spawns = {
["legion"] = { -- Index for the table
coords = vector4(195.17, -933.77, 29.7, 144.5), -- Where player spawns
location = "legion", -- this is how the javascript knows which you picked
label = "Legion Square", -- What the player sees in the menu
["policedp"] = {
coords = vector4(428.23, -984.28, 29.76, 3.5),
location = "policedp",
label = "Police Department",
["paleto"] = {
coords = vector4(80.35, 6424.12, 31.67, 45.5),
location = "paleto",
label = "Paleto Bay",
["motel"] = {
coords = vector4(327.56, -205.08, 53.08, 163.5),
location = "motel",
label = "Motels",